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Butterflies Attracting Plant Seeds

Butterflies Attracting Plant Seeds

Result: 95 products.
Result: 95 products. There is nothing more beautiful than nature, and you can build that beauty in your garden or a corner of your home by planting a special variant of seeds . . . read more >


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About Butterflies Attracting Plant Seeds

There is nothing more beautiful than nature, and you can build that beauty in your garden or a corner of your home by planting a special variant of seeds offered by NurseryLive called- ‘Butterflies Attracting Plant Seeds.’

Just as the same suggests, this plant variant has special features like a distinct fragrance, blooming colors, and huge shapes to attract butterflies that will linger around these flowers to add to their beauty.

Butterflies and flowers go hand in hand. Butterflies are like the topping of a cherry on a cake for a flower. Its colors and beauty merge with the flower. This range of ‘Butterflies Attracting Plant Seeds’ is specially curated to attract butterflies.

All the flowers that bloom out of these seeds are of large shapes that act as a sitting arrangement for butterflies.

There are many sunflower variants in this range, as those are the most attractive for butterflies. These sunflower variants include Sunflower Russian Giant, Sunflower Sungold, Sunflower Miniature, etc.

Other flower variants include colorful ones like Mixed Color Chabaud Giant Carnation, Phlox Beauty Mixed Color, Hollyhock F1 Dwarf, etc.

The range also includes green colored flowers like Marjoram, Thymus Vulgaris, Artichoke Green Globe, etc. These are just a sneak peek; there are over 100+ variants of ‘Butterflies Attracting Plant Seeds’ available at Nursery Live.

Why opt for ‘Butterflies Attracting Plant Seeds’?

Butterflies Attracting Plant Seeds not only add to the beauty of the garden/home décor but also create a healthy purifying environment. The aroma of flowers and the buzz of butterflies keep one close to nature, and butterflies are considered creatures that purify the air naturally.

Buy these unique ‘Butterflies Attracting Plant Seeds’ online at Nursery Live for a healthy, happy, and pretty environment. The price range starts at Rs.55 only!

Milkweed Seeds

Milkweed is a must-have for anyone looking to attract butterflies to their garden. Not only does it provide food for caterpillars, but the flowers are a nectar source for adult butterflies.

Butterfly Bush Seeds

As the name suggests, butterfly bush is an excellent choice for attracting butterflies to your garden. Its fragrant flowers are irresistible to butterflies, and it comes in a variety of colors.

Coneflower Seeds

Coneflowers, also known as Echinacea, are a hardy perennial that produces beautiful flowers in shades of pink, purple, and white. They are a favorite of many butterfly species.

Black-Eyed Susan Seeds

Black-eyed Susan is a popular wildflower that is easy to grow from seed. Its bright yellow flowers attract butterflies, bees, and other pollinators.

Joe-Pye Weed Seeds

Joe-Pye weed is a tall perennial with clusters of pink or purple flowers that bloom in late summer. It is a favorite nectar source for many butterfly species.

Lantana Seeds

Lantana is a tropical plant that produces clusters of small, colorful flowers that are a favorite of butterflies and hummingbirds.

Verbena Seeds

Verbena is a hardy annual that produces clusters of small, brightly colored flowers. It is a favorite nectar source for many butterfly species.

Zinnia Seeds

Zinnias are easy to grow annuals that come in a wide range of colors. They are a favorite nectar source for butterflies and other pollinators.

Sunflower Seeds

Sunflowers are not only beautiful, but they are also an excellent nectar source for butterflies and other pollinators.

Aster Seeds

Asters are a hardy perennial that produces daisy-like flowers in shades of blue, pink, and purple. They are a favorite nectar source for many butterfly species.

Salvia Seeds

Salvia, also known as sage, is a perennial herb that produces spikes of brightly colored flowers. It is a favorite nectar source for many butterfly species.

Marigold Seeds

Marigolds are easy to grow annuals that come in a variety of colors. They are a favorite nectar source for butterflies and other pollinators.

Goldenrod Seeds

Goldenrod is a hardy perennial that produces clusters of yellow flowers in late summer and fall. It is a favorite nectar source for many butterfly species.

Phlox Seeds

Phlox is a hardy perennial that produces clusters of small, brightly colored flowers. It is a favorite nectar source for many butterfly species.

Cosmos Seeds

Cosmos are easy to grow annuals that come in a range of colors. They are a favorite nectar source for butterflies and other pollinators.

Sage Seeds

Sage is a perennial herb that produces spikes of purple, pink, or blue flowers. It is a favorite nectar source for many butterfly species.

Fennel Seeds

Fennel is an herb that produces clusters of small, yellow flowers. It is a favorite nectar source for many butterfly species.

Hollyhock Seeds

Hollyhocks are a hardy biennial or perennial that produces tall spikes of brightly colored flowers. They are a favorite nectar source for many butterfly species.

Bee Balm Seeds

Bee balm is a hardy perennial that produces clusters of brightly colored flowers. It is a favorite nectar source for many butterfly species.

Nectar-rich plant seeds

These plant seeds are rich in nectar and are perfect for attracting butterflies. Nectar is an important source of food for adult butterflies, and planting nectar-rich plants is a great way to support the butterfly population.


What are butterflies attracting plant seeds?

Butterflies attracting plant seeds are plant seeds that have been specifically selected for their ability to attract butterflies to your garden. These seeds are often from plants that produce nectar or provide a suitable environment for butterfly eggs and caterpillars to develop.

How can I attract butterflies to my garden?

To attract butterflies to your garden, you can plant a variety of nectar-rich plants, host plants, and other plants that provide a suitable environment for butterflies to thrive. You can also provide a source of water, such as a birdbath or small pond, and avoid using pesticides that can harm butterfly populations.

What are some nectar-rich plant seeds that attract butterflies?

Some nectar-rich plant seeds that attract butterflies include milkweed, butterfly weed, echinacea, black-eyed Susan, and lavender. These plants produce an abundance of nectar and are highly attractive to butterflies.

What are host plant seeds and why are they important?

Host plant seeds are plant seeds from specific species that provide a suitable environment for butterflies to lay their eggs and for caterpillars to feed and develop. These seeds are important because they provide the necessary resources for butterfly populations to thrive.

What are some common host plant seeds that attract butterflies?

Common host plant seeds that attract butterflies include milkweed, parsley, dill, fennel, and passionflower. These plants are essential for the survival of many butterfly species, as they provide food and shelter for caterpillars.

What are some other ways to attract butterflies besides planting specific seeds?

In addition to planting specific seeds, you can also provide a source of water, avoid using pesticides, and plant a variety of plants that bloom at different times throughout the year to ensure a constant food source for butterflies.

Can planting butterfly attracting plant seeds harm other wildlife?

No, planting butterfly attracting plant seeds should not harm other wildlife. In fact, these plants can benefit other pollinators, such as bees and hummingbirds, as well as provide habitat for other small animals.

When is the best time to plant butterfly attracting plant seeds?

The best time to plant butterfly attracting plant seeds depends on the specific plant species, but generally, spring and fall are the best times to plant most seeds. You should also consider your local climate and planting zone when deciding on the best time to plant.

How long does it take for butterfly attracting plant seeds to grow?

The time it takes for butterfly attracting plant seeds to grow depends on the specific plant species and environmental conditions. Generally, it can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months for seeds to germinate and grow into mature plants.

Can I grow butterfly attracting plants in containers?

Yes, many butterfly attracting plants can be grown in containers. This can be a great option for those with limited outdoor space or for those who want to add some color and interest to their patio or balcony.

How do I care for butterfly attracting plants once they are established?

Caring for butterfly attracting plants varies depending on the specific plant species. Generally, these plants require regular watering, fertilizing, and pruning to promote healthy growth and abundant blooms.

What are some common pests or diseases that can affect butterfly attracting plants?

Some common pests and diseases that can affect butterfly attracting plants include aphids, spider mites, powdery mildew, and fungal infections. Regular monitoring and treatment can help prevent or control these issues.

Can I use chemical pesticides on butterfly attracting plants?

Using chemical pesticides on butterfly attracting plants is not recommended, as these pesticides can harm butterfly populations and other beneficial insects. Instead, consider using natural pest control methods, such as companion planting or handpicking pests.

What are the benefits of growing butterflies attracting plants?

The benefits of growing butterflies attracting plants are numerous. These plants help to pollinate flowers, which is essential for the reproduction of many plants. They also provide a food source for adult butterflies, which in turn help to pollinate flowers. Additionally, they help to create a habitat for butterflies, which can increase the biodiversity of your garden.

What are some examples of butterflies attracting plant seeds?

Some examples of butterflies attracting plant seeds include milkweed, lantana, verbena, marigold, zinnia, butterfly bush, and many others.

How should I plant butterflies attracting plant seeds?

Butterflies attracting plant seeds should be planted in well-draining soil with plenty of sunlight. It's important to follow the planting instructions on the seed packet to ensure the best possible growth.

When is the best time to plant butterflies attracting plant seeds?

The best time to plant butterflies attracting plant seeds varies depending on the specific plant. In general, spring and fall are good times to plant many of these seeds, but it's important to check the instructions on the seed packet.

How do I care for butterflies attracting plants once they are planted?

Butterflies attracting plants require regular watering and fertilization to promote healthy growth. It's important to remove any dead flowers or foliage to prevent disease and promote new growth. Additionally, it's important to be aware of any pests or diseases that may affect the specific plant and take appropriate measures to control them.

Can I grow butterflies attracting plants in containers?

Yes, many butterflies attracting plants can be grown in containers as long as the container is large enough to accommodate the plant and has proper drainage. Container-grown plants require more frequent watering and fertilization than those grown in the ground.

How do I attract butterflies to my garden?

In addition to planting butterflies attracting plant seeds, there are several other ways to attract butterflies to your garden. Providing a shallow dish of water for drinking, providing a mud puddle for drinking and minerals, and avoiding the use of pesticides are all ways to encourage butterflies to visit your garden.